Step 1
Personal details
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Welcome to Skills At Click!

Please complete the form below to create your account and fill-in your profile. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Edge (some versions of Internet Explorer and Safari are not supported).

Your e-mail address will be used as login (please ensure it is correctly spelled). After having completed the first step by clicking on “continue”, you will receive an e-mail to activate your account.

In case of question, do not hesitate to contact us: onboarding[a] or +32473514730

Personal information
Your company information

You can navigate through the 5 steps of the form by clicking on the “back” or “continue” button. The information entered will be automatically saved by the platform.

We encourage you to complete totally your profile. However, you can always update it when you sign in to the platform.